Thursday, July 9, 2009

What we've been doing

Not taking pictures (obviously).

I went to Sacramento to see the Lion King with my girlfriends the last Saturday in June. My friend upgraded out tickets for us so we towards the front. The costumes were amazing and the woman who played Raffiki (the baboon) was incredible. I highly recommend it. It follows the same storyline as the Disney movie with some additional songs and scenes. Worth it for the costumes (if nothing else).

We went to Bakersfield for the 4th of July. Joe Eribarne, the man Nick worked for over the internet/fax machine while in college and who we were going to go to work for when Nick lost his job with Harris and Sloan passed away and his funeral was the 3rd. I'm grateful for my testimony of Jesus Christ and eternal families. I don't think there is anything quite like a funeral to remind us of our beliefs.

We opened a Health Savings account! For those of you who don't know what that is (as I didn't until recently), it is a savings account to use for medical expenses. It's meant for people with no medical insurance or with high deductibles. In 2009, $5950 that you put into the fund is tax deductible. It rolls over from year to year and can be used for any medical expenses (except premiums). We'll us it to pay for our new baby (I don't even want to think about how much that will be). It's a way to write of medical expenses that aren't 20% of your income (which I'm pretty sure is the requirement to put them on your taxes).

We also met with someone to discuss a rollover for Nick's 401K from Harris and Sloan and life insurance, as well as Roth IRAs for our future. Am I really ready for this stuff?

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