Monday, November 16, 2009

Cute Grant moment

I can't believe how much Grant picks up -- he is such a little sponge.

Today, he played a short song on his little xylophone and then folded his arms, talked for 10 seconds or so, and said "amen." He did it 2 or 3 times too, so I'm not just imagining things! This was particularly cute because songs in our church meetings are often followed by a prayer, during which we fold our arms, and end with amen! SO CUTE!

It's time to start paying attention and make sure I'm teaching him good things!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Samantha Michelle

Right before we left for the hospital...

Samantha Michelle Fahrney was born on Monday, November 2nd at 9:56 am. Nick and I got to the hospital at 7:15 for a 9:30 surgery. It was a completely different experience to know exactly when she was coming. I got up and took a shower and did my hair and makeup (something I won't do with the next one(s) because I ended up putting my hair up and rubbing all my makeup off anyway).

Surgery went well. I love my OB and I really liked the anesthesiologist. It took a little longer because my doctor had to work a little to make my incision look pretty (I told him I didn't care... it's not like I'm a bikini person). I was nauseous off and on all day Monday -- I think in part because I was starving. Samantha latched right on and is a great nurser, although she's a bit of a barracuda.

I spent all day Tuesday in the hospital and got to go home Wednesday afternoon. Grant loves Daddy so much he didn't necessarily care that I was even home. He has taken peeks at Samantha, but hasn't really made any attempt to meet her yet. He does get a bit jealous when Daddy holds her, but Nick's doing a great job helping Grant.
She's sleeping well (mostly) and letting me sleep for at least a few hours at at time at night. She poops a ton (if I remember right all newborns do). The pediatrician gave her a stamp of approval. She is beautiful!

Grant's Antics

Grant is such a boy! He loves his daddy and playing rough, loves to go outside (brings his shoes to me multiple times a day), and has more bumps and bruises than any poor kid should. Within a 2 week period, Grant rolled his ride on toy down the driveway into the bumper of the truck (no bruise but it looked like it hurt), fell off the curb he was sitting on and ate asphalt (goose egg on forehead, scrape on nose), and then tripped running around stepping off the curb (his forehead as shown). Interestingly enough, all 3 of the things happened when Daddy was in charge. Hum...

Grant has been a trooper the past few weeks (well months really) going to doctor's appointments with me. We get kind of bored sometimes waiting for the doctor. Recently, he has found it to be a fun game to empty my diaper bag. He finds my camera and hands it to be and signs "more" and then will stop and let me take a picture of him. This one I thought was particularly cute!

If there was any doubt in my mind that Grant is not ready for a big boy bed, this moment made it clear (again). He moves WAY too much for a big boy bed. It is so fun to go into his room and find him in different sleeping positions.

Grant is trying to communicate with us so much. We taught him two signs -- more and hungry. He has added ball and fly (he hits his head- thawp). He is mimicking sounds, and loves trucks and buses. Anytime we hear a bus (or truck that sounds like a bus) go by he says "bus." He loves ice, and says ice, which sounds just like socks. He makes a doggy, kitty, pig, and elephant sounds, as well as the gorilla in the video. I want to get a video of all of his cute things. When he gets tired (and delirious) he spins around and makes himself dizzy. That's really fun too! He says Lily, banana, milk, and baby. I'm not sure if anybody else know what the word is, but it's the same every time. I can't believe how much he is growing and learning everyday!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


For Halloween, we went to the church for the annual "Trunk-or-Treat." Grant was a monkey. I'd bought a skunk costume for him on E-bay but then a friend of mine offered me the monkey costume and it was so fitting, I had to use it. Grant could pretty much care less about going from car to car -- I think his attention made it about 5 cars, until he found a flower bed to play in. He pretty much spent the rest of our time there playing in the dirt and stepping down the curb. He didn't do his job of collecting candy for Mommy =).

Nick and I went to our first Halloween party since college at a friend's house the weekend before Halloween. It was kind of fun to get dressed up. I'm glad my friend had a big pregnant lady costume though -- it worked perfectly!

Grant at a little Halloween party with some of his friends. I'm constantly amazed at how cute and creative some of my friends are -- I never would have thought to have a Halloween party for Grant and his friends, but it was fun to see the kids dressed up (although none were too happy about it).

Some of my recent reads

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog