Sunday, September 20, 2009

Poor sick baby!

We have been really lucky with Grant and he has only been sick twice in the 18 months or so that we've had with him. The first time was back in May, from a bug we picked up at the doctor's office (grrr), and we managed because he just slept. All day. This time around, Mom got sick first. It is no fun to care for a sick child when you are sick! Poor Grant was so tired but wanted to play so bad. He is not the type to fall asleep anywhere but his car seat or crib. I took this picture because he wanted to play so badly but just couldn't muster the energy. He was laying on the dog's bed with his paci and yarn, reaching for the steering wheel. Poor guy. He got better faster than I did though!
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I love my blankie

My grandma (Nyanya) makes a blanket for each one of her great grandchildren. This is a picture of Grant with his. He LOVES it, as do all of his cousins. I am excited to get the one that she made for Samantha -- I suspect Sam will love it too. We usually keep it in the crib, but if it ever comes out, Grant won't let it go -- he wrestles with it. He won't share it with me either. I tried to take a corner to sleep on in the car and he kept pulling it a way from me. My blankie!
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Grant LOVES the water

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We've taken Grant swimming a few times and he loves it every time. These particular pictures are from June (YIKES) but he still loves the water. I took him swimming with my sister last week and all he wanted to do was "jump" in. Really, it was more like be pulled in by Mom, but he kept asking for more. He blows bubbles and does fairly well when we dunk him. Lily doesn't get to join us often, but she loves to swim too (maybe even more than Grant, we can't get her out).

Sprinkler Fun!

Often when we are eating dinner and Grant is driving us crazy, we'll open up the back door and let him play outside. He loves to wander around out there and rarely cares if we're not there with him. It's not like he actually eats dinner with us (if it's not cheese or fruit, he won't touch it). This particular night, we were eating a little earlier than normal and not 30 seconds after we let him out, the sprinklers turned on. This is his first experience with the sprinklers, but he showed NO FEAR!

Book Review

I finished the other three books that are a part of the Confessions of a Shopaholic series. They were cute. I still got a little annoyed at the character because of her total lack of self control when it comes to shopping, but they were really fun stories. I read the three books in 5 days (I think). I didn't do much else those days obviously.

I also finished listening to "Q&A" aka Slumdog Millionaire. It was a great story. I'm not sure how it compared to the movie because I didn't see the movie, but it was really entertaining. It is about a poor boy in India who is trying to prove how he was able to win India's version of "Who wants to be a Millionaire." He tells how he knew the answer to each one of the questions through his experiences, rather than through education.

Now I'm working on the Da Vinci Code. Unfortunately, I've had too much to do to just sit down and finish it and it's driving me crazy!

Quite the shiner!

A few weeks ago when we were at my mom's house, Grant hit his cheek on the bottom railing going down the stairs. Not only did he have a cut on his cheek, but he had a nasty black eye for about a week. The first picture is the night after it happened, and the second picture is two days later. The third picture we took once we got home on our own stairs... no wonder he occasionally falls down.
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Some of my recent reads

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