Tuesday, March 23, 2010


My mom made all of the granddaughters tie-dyed dresses for Christmas so that we could take a picture together. We finally got together for the pictures, which turned out okay, but it was much more fun to get together with the cousins than to take pictures, especially with so many young ones!

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

They grow so fast!

I asked Grant to lay down so I could change his diaper and he layed down right next to Sam. It was really cute. (Since then, he's decided that this little mat his his and he doesn't want to share with Samantha.

Lily is feeling so left out she has finally figured out how to get up on the little ottoman for the rocking chair. Not an easy feat! Poor Lily.
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I was trying to take pictures of Samantha because it had been such a long time. Grant kept saying "Lily" and wouldn't (easily) let me take pictures of Samantha until I took a picture of Lily and showed it to him. I actually really like this picture of Lily too!

Samantha is very alert and is having a lot of fun playing with her feet and rolling over. I have to strap her in to the bouncer or else she will roll out of it. I found her sucking on her toes the other day -- she's fascinated with them! She is being a bit of a pill about sleeping because she'd much rather play, but so far, sleep training is going way easier with her than it did with Grant.
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September 2008
March 2010

Thoughts on Relief Society

A letter I wrote for the February newsletter about the time I spent serving in Relief Society ...

With my impending release, I have been pondering lately what Relief Society means to me, and what I have learned in the last year and a half that I have been serving in this wonderful organization.

First, I will take away a deeper understanding that all sisters are part of Relief Society; that no matter where I serve, I am still part of that sisterhood and have a responsibility and kinship as a Relief Society sister. It is not just for old women, each of us has a part in this organization!

Second, I love visiting teaching. It can still be difficult to go some months, and I’m nowhere near 100%, but I know what an important and inspired program it is. As the Relief Society president, I rely on visiting teachers to report the needs of their sisters and to help them when they can. I will be an active part of that for the rest of my life.

Third, Relief Society is the Lord’s organization for women. He designed it. The purposes of Relief Society – to help us increase in personal righteousness, to strengthen home and family, and to serve the Lord and His children – assist us as we strive to keep the covenants that we have made at baptism and in the temple.

I love Relief Society, and I have treasured the time that I’ve spent learning from the sisters in our ward. Thank you for your love, support, and service.

Our move!

We are here! Finally living in the same town Nick works in! It feels great to be here and Nick is enjoying being able to sleep in a bit in the morning. He's ridden his bike to work a few times and stayed up until 10:00 tonight without TOO much griping!

The house is in a fantastic neighborhood and has a good sized back yard. There are only 3 bedrooms but a living room and family room -- we turned one of them into a toy room/computer room. The kitchen is upgraded with granite countertops and newer appliances. The bathrooms are kinda nasty. I feel like my nose is only an inch away from the wall in our shower it's so small.

The ward is good so far. A few young couples just starting their families like we are.


I feel like I've read a bunch of books lately. I tend to get on a kick and just can't stop.

My thoughts/brief reviews of some of the books:

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society: Really fun read. Great characters. Fun writing style (written in the form of letters). Kind of predictable.

Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella. Eh. I listened to it -- it took a really long time to get through and wasn't anything spectacular. Kinda cliche.

My Sister's Keeper. I thought I'd love this but I was actually really disappointed. A few too many bad words, and I thought too many under developed side plots.

Life of Pi by Yann Martel. After reading the end, I want to reread this book now. It was a little slow in the middle, I was getting anxious for something else to happen, but the end gives this great conclusion and symbolism that I want to re-read for. I think it would be a great book club book.

The Art of Racing in the Rain. Decent. Funny voice (from the perspective of a dog) but I didn't love the story.

The Glass Castle. Fantastic! I loved it. A woman tells her story about growing up in poverty, but she just tells the story without emotional commentary. I'd put it off for a long time because I'd heard it was depressing, but I actually didn't think it was even depressing -- a little maybe to know that people live in poverty, but the author doesn't feel bad for herself. Really good.

The Long Walk: The true story of a trek to freedom. About a man's escape from a prison camp in Siberia. Took a bit to get into but an amazing story of endurance and the will to live.

I just checked out Wicked and Life According to Garp. Wickeds taking a bit to get into...

Beautiful Family!

It was so cute they matched, I just had to take a picture...

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Some of my recent reads

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog