Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Samantha Update

Hum, what to say about my darling child Samantha. She is now 8 months old. She got her first tooth on Grant's birthday. Her favorite things lately: Mommy (x100), her brother (he can make her laugh easier than anyone else) and people food. She could care less about baby food but loves little bites of whatever we are eating. Her hair has been in her eyes lately so I often put it up on the top of her head. She's still really skinny -- 13 lbs 13 oz at 8 mos -- and the doctor wants us to meet with a high risk infant follow up clinic, which we'll do next week. She's a bit of a challenge because she wants me to hold her all the time -- so bad that I can't even put her on the floor in the same room as me. And, she's not sleeping through the night. But, she is still tons of fun, crawling around and pulling herself up on things.


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1 comment:

Catherine said...

As Sam gets older, you may want to check out www.princesshairstyles.com They have great ideas for what to do with girl hair. Jennifer doesn't have much hair (still!) but will sit in front of a movie or show long enough for me to make it into "princess hair". Good luck with the weight issue. The good news is if she's just gonna be light for the rest of her life and she's making it known now, the doc will test everything with no result and then say she's just blessed to be light between 18 and 24 months. The doctor didn't even flinch when he weighed Jennifer in at 33 lbs a few weeks ago, but she didn't hit 20 lbs until she was 2.

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