Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Grant Update

Grant's sad face. He usually can't hold it long without cracking himself up.

What to say about Grant other than he is VERY 2. I think it's so much fun some days and other days I want to run away. Thank goodnes I have both! He loves to help us do whatever we're doing. He loves water and his sandbox (we took the sand out a few weeks ago and filled it with water -- it may be time for a kiddie pool). I'm constantly telling him to stop being mean to his sister (stepping on her, taking away toys, pouring water on her head...). We've heard him singing to himself at bedtime (fruit salad by The Wiggles) and he loves it when we sing. He's woken up from his naps lately VERY crabby -- not at all the best part of the day.

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1 comment:

Catherine said...

Sounds like a great older brother in the making. It makes the girls tough - but stay up with him. Its worth it when they're 3 and 4 to have them be friends.

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