This post is for any random person searching for some hope that the "Making Home Affordable" program actually works. The short answer: YES IT DOES! It took 10 months from our first trial period payment, and LOTS of phone calls, but our mortgage was eventually modified and our payment was essentially cut in half. So, again, the short answer, it'll work, just hang in there.
IT WAS A NIGHTMARE THOUGH! We first started in May of 2009 and were told that we qualified. Then we heard nothing. Eventually, I called back and we were approved. We made our first trial period payment in August. We qualified because I'm no longer working and so our debt to income ratio was higher than the allowed amount. We made trial period payments, not hearing anything (but expecting to) because the 3 month trial period was over. In November, we got papers from the bank to get notarized, and were given a different mortgage payment. Sent them back. Heard nothing. In January, we got the same paperwork, but different numbers. No explanation, just a letter saying notarize and send back. We got a notice in the mail saying we had to do credit counseling. Did both. Waited and were told 4-6 weeks. Waited. Told 3-4 months. FINALLY the May statement reflected the changed interest rate and official payment.
I'm actually on the phone right now trying to fix a supposed late payment (we've NEVER been late). The account isn't showing on credit reports as delinquent anymore, just one late payment in January. Hopefully it'll be easy to fix.
Please feel free to share your experiences -- I've had a hard time finding a good site for these and I can move the comments to another blog if necessary!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Children's Discovery Museum
On Wednesday we went with my sister and my mom to the Children's discovery museum in Sausalito. All SF museums are free on the first Wednesday of the month! It was packed that day. It was nice, but I'm glad we didn't have to pay for it, as Grant's favorite things to do was play with the train set (which he did at Grandma's too), dig in the sand, and chase birds. He did have fun playing in the water too, but we both had a little meltdown because he kept splashing so big it was soaking Samantha, and it wasn't warm enough outside to get wet (their sweatshirts stayed very wet for the next 2 hours). Sam had a lot of fun splashing in the water too.
4th of July
I think the 4th of July is my favorite holiday -- it's at least up there on the list (I know there aren't THAT many to choose from). This year we went to my Mom's house for a BBQ and then to San Ramon for their fireworks show. THe bottom picture is me trying to take a picture of Grant at the fireworks with the double flash. I had 3 pictures in a row with his eyes closed tight -- great smiles though!
Nick had the 5th off so we went to Santa Cruz. Grant actually is the one who started asking to go. On Thursday we were driving around and he started saying beach. So heck... why not. We took Lily too and let her play in the water until the lifeguard told us to put her leash back on. Grant had tons of fun in the water again, even though he was shivering. The sun didn't come out until after we left. Sam was a trooper, and after playing in the sand for a bit, fell asleep on the blanket. So sweet!
Weekend Fun
Nick and I have been disagreeing lately on how to spend the weekends. I'm bored to death at home with the kids, so by the time Friday rolls around, I want OUT. He, on the other hand, just wants to relax at home. He's been supportive though, and we have been doing fun things. This past weekend, he hung out with Grant while I got to visit my grandparents and friend in Sacramento. It was great to get away!
Another Saturday, we went to a park and played Frisbee golf. I'm pretty bad, but it was really fun. Grant usually wants to walk so we just brought one stroller. After about an hour, Grant was so tired (and hot probably) he wanted to ride. So, between holes, he would separate Samantha's legs and crawl up in the stroller. She was getting impatient with him but they both got through sharing! YEAH!
Our good friends from Merced had a baby in May and we finally got to meet her! While Nick was working on our house in Merced, I hung out with this baby. She was SO QUIET. Her cry was nonexistent -- like a little baby whine. Samantha (and Grant for that matter) are screamers! Lucky dogs!
Grant Update
What to say about Grant other than he is VERY 2. I think it's so much fun some days and other days I want to run away. Thank goodnes I have both! He loves to help us do whatever we're doing. He loves water and his sandbox (we took the sand out a few weeks ago and filled it with water -- it may be time for a kiddie pool). I'm constantly telling him to stop being mean to his sister (stepping on her, taking away toys, pouring water on her head...). We've heard him singing to himself at bedtime (fruit salad by The Wiggles) and he loves it when we sing. He's woken up from his naps lately VERY crabby -- not at all the best part of the day.
Samantha Update
Hum, what to say about my darling child Samantha. She is now 8 months old. She got her first tooth on Grant's birthday. Her favorite things lately: Mommy (x100), her brother (he can make her laugh easier than anyone else) and people food. She could care less about baby food but loves little bites of whatever we are eating. Her hair has been in her eyes lately so I often put it up on the top of her head. She's still really skinny -- 13 lbs 13 oz at 8 mos -- and the doctor wants us to meet with a high risk infant follow up clinic, which we'll do next week. She's a bit of a challenge because she wants me to hold her all the time -- so bad that I can't even put her on the floor in the same room as me. And, she's not sleeping through the night. But, she is still tons of fun, crawling around and pulling herself up on things.
Mommy update
We were asked the other day what our goals were, and for the first time in my life, I couldn't think of one! I've always been very goal oriented and so to be at a time in my life when I don't really have one, I was kind of concerned. How about not to kill my kids before their 3rd birthdays?
I've also decided that I need a hobby, something for myself. I planed on making a quiet book for Grant but I asked my mom for help and she's doing it. I help when when I'm there. I enjoy reading. I love the Hunger Games series. I spend a lot of time on the couponing website planning my shopping trips. I canned peaches the other day after getting them for 33 cents a pound at the farmer's market.
My biggest thing now I guess is that I'm losing weight. I started Weight Watchers in April and have lost about 15 pounds. I have at least 7 more to go before I'll be happy, and I'd love to lose 12 or 17 (although not sure it's possible).

Taken with my best friends from college-- Cami and Tamara in January of 2009, about a month before I got pregnant with Sam. After these pictures, I realized how much I needed to loose weight. Probably about the starting weight (or pretty close).
Monday, July 12, 2010
Our trip to San Diego
My Mom and Step-Dad took us to San Diego for a few days in June. It was so nice to get out of town for awhile. The drive was long, but thank goodnes for family in Bakersfield to stop and visit with to help break up the trip! The resort we stayed at was really nice, I wish I'd been smarter and not planned so much to do so we would have had more time to swim. Grant loved the pool -- Sam, not so much -- but Grant didn't want to get out (even though he was shivering because it wasn't that warm out yet).
Wild Animal Park and Zoo
San Diego Beach
Grant and Samantha both had so much fun at the beach in San Diego. Grant wasn't at all interested in the sand (and we can't keep him out of the sandbox at home) and wouldn't get out of the water. When we left, he kept saying "more beach." Samantha loved playing in the sand, and didn't really try to eat it until she fell face first into it. Oops.
Sea World San Diego
This fish was huge! Grant was walking along the edge of the tank following it as it swam. It was really fun to watch!
Grant got tired of riding in the stroller and so we let him "help." He always wants to help.
One tired baby (we actually had 2 tired babies, but didn't get a picture of Grant sleeping).
We had fun at our day at Sea World in San Diego. Grant loved the shows that we went to. We even sat in the splash zone during the whale show and he didn't really mind getting splashed! We also saw a 4-D Sesame Street movie while we were there. We got a kick out of watching Grant react to the 3-D. Suprisingly, he kept his glasses on the whole time.
Grant got tired of riding in the stroller and so we let him "help." He always wants to help.
One tired baby (we actually had 2 tired babies, but didn't get a picture of Grant sleeping).
We had fun at our day at Sea World in San Diego. Grant loved the shows that we went to. We even sat in the splash zone during the whale show and he didn't really mind getting splashed! We also saw a 4-D Sesame Street movie while we were there. We got a kick out of watching Grant react to the 3-D. Suprisingly, he kept his glasses on the whole time.
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