Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easter Saturday

Easter was so fun this year! We celebrated on Saturday so that we could keep Easter Sunday about the Resurrection and not the Easter Bunny. We threw a bunch of eggs on the back lawn, and had Grant go out and find them. He couldn't figure out how to hold them all in his hands, and tried to put them in his sweatshirt pocket. He figured out about halfway through that there was candy inside of them and then he didn't want to find anymore, he just wanted to eat them.

Later that day, Grant went to his first birthday party and then to a friends house with an orchard and found more candy. They hid so much, we filled a brown lunch bag full of candy! It was a lot of fun, and I think Grant had fun trying to find the candy. I wish I would have hid it in the backyard instead of just throwing it on the ground.

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