Sunday, November 1, 2009


For Halloween, we went to the church for the annual "Trunk-or-Treat." Grant was a monkey. I'd bought a skunk costume for him on E-bay but then a friend of mine offered me the monkey costume and it was so fitting, I had to use it. Grant could pretty much care less about going from car to car -- I think his attention made it about 5 cars, until he found a flower bed to play in. He pretty much spent the rest of our time there playing in the dirt and stepping down the curb. He didn't do his job of collecting candy for Mommy =).

Nick and I went to our first Halloween party since college at a friend's house the weekend before Halloween. It was kind of fun to get dressed up. I'm glad my friend had a big pregnant lady costume though -- it worked perfectly!

Grant at a little Halloween party with some of his friends. I'm constantly amazed at how cute and creative some of my friends are -- I never would have thought to have a Halloween party for Grant and his friends, but it was fun to see the kids dressed up (although none were too happy about it).

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