Saturday, November 7, 2009

Samantha Michelle

Right before we left for the hospital...

Samantha Michelle Fahrney was born on Monday, November 2nd at 9:56 am. Nick and I got to the hospital at 7:15 for a 9:30 surgery. It was a completely different experience to know exactly when she was coming. I got up and took a shower and did my hair and makeup (something I won't do with the next one(s) because I ended up putting my hair up and rubbing all my makeup off anyway).

Surgery went well. I love my OB and I really liked the anesthesiologist. It took a little longer because my doctor had to work a little to make my incision look pretty (I told him I didn't care... it's not like I'm a bikini person). I was nauseous off and on all day Monday -- I think in part because I was starving. Samantha latched right on and is a great nurser, although she's a bit of a barracuda.

I spent all day Tuesday in the hospital and got to go home Wednesday afternoon. Grant loves Daddy so much he didn't necessarily care that I was even home. He has taken peeks at Samantha, but hasn't really made any attempt to meet her yet. He does get a bit jealous when Daddy holds her, but Nick's doing a great job helping Grant.
She's sleeping well (mostly) and letting me sleep for at least a few hours at at time at night. She poops a ton (if I remember right all newborns do). The pediatrician gave her a stamp of approval. She is beautiful!


Jen said...

She is absolutely gorgeous! What a great head of hair she has. Isn't a scheduled c-section wild. It is a weird emotion checking in to be cut opened and get a baby. You look great, and have a beautiful family. Great job Michelle and Nick:)

Unknown said...

Congrats you guys. I love all that dark hair. She is very cute.

D said...

Congratulations to you all. She is a beautiful. Michelle, I hope this second time around is a lot better than your first, as far as recovery.

Elliott's said...

She is so precious! I am so glad that both of you are healthy and happy. If you are up for it, I would love to visit on Thursday! Love you all and congratulations!

Sean,Patty, Merrick, Memphis and Leia Donovan said...

She's gorgeous, congratulations you guys.Michelle you were such a trooper I'm glad everything went okay. Lots of love.

HILL HESS said...

Michelle! Congratulations! She is so precious!

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