Sunday, October 25, 2009

Yeah for stress!

I love to be stressed. I have as long as I can remember, felt and done best when I've had a million things going on. I had the opportunity to plan our ward's "Super Saturday" because the Enrichment counselor moved and we needed to get it done. It was scheduled for 10 days before Samantha was scheduled to be born.

We had a "Christmas in October" on Friday night, instead of Saturday morning. It was a huge hit -- we had fantastic attendance and I think everyone had a good time. We offered different 5 different craft projects, a service project, a class on using Shutterfly, and cookie mixes in a jar (kind of crafty).

I realized that it wouldn't have been stressful (at all) if I would learn to delegate. I did a little, more of a just in case than because I wanted to, but definitely had my little hand in almost every aspect of the evening. To just organize something is one thing -- to organize and plan and prepare 4 different projects is another. Goal of mine: LEARN TO DELEGATE!

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