Thursday, June 4, 2009

Weekend in Ventura

For Memorial Day weekend we went down to Southern California for a weeding and extended our stay in Ventura with Nick's best friends parents. We went to the beach, even though it was freezing cold. Grant thought it was really funny when the waves were coming, but wasn't quite sure what to think about when the actually hit him. He was completely shivering after 2 minutes of putting his feet in like this.

On the way home, Grant was perhaps dirtier than he ever has been to date. We stopped and saw Grandpa while he was working and he held Grant and got construction dirt all over him. Then, we stopped for ice cream in Fresno (and a break because Grant was driving us nuts!) and he got dinner and ice cream all over his face. We let him crawl around all over the ground outside Cold Stone and he got filthy (you can kind of see the tops of his feet). To top it all off, he also had a major poopy diaper that we changed soon after this picture was taken. Welcome to boyhood Grant (and Mommy).
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Eric & Aimei Phillips said...

Hey Michelle! It's Aimei Chiu...I just found your blog off of Jenika and Brandon's. I'm so happy you guys are doing so well...congrats on baby #2!!!

Stacie S-H said...

aww so cute! its fun to find you guys on the blogging world. i found your blog through Jenika's also. If you want me to make a blog banner/header, let me know!

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Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog