Sunday, September 28, 2008

First Solids -- YUCK!

We took Grant for his 4 month doctor's appointment and he had only gained a pound in 2 months. He isn't malnourished, he's just very skinny. With that and the other problems he's having (or I'm having with him) -- gas and not sleeping much, the doctor recommended starting solids. I already had a jar of carrots so I started with those. Of course, more made it out than in his mouth, but it was really fun. I've since bought rice cereal and have been doing that instead. He seems to spit less of the cereal out. Hopefully it will help.
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1 comment:

HILL HESS said...

I can't believe how fast he is growing up and I haven't even gotten a chance to meet him yet!! He looks so precious!

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