Wednesday, July 30, 2008

First time on the boat

My first summer on the boat (1983) and Rebecca's first time on the boat (2008) - notice the life jackets!

Grant's first boat trip

My Sister, her girls, Nick, Grant, and I went on our boat for the first time. Poor Grant had this huge life jacket on (it's the same one until he's 30 lbs)!, but slept pretty much the entire time except when it was time to eat. Thank goodness he slept so much because it would have been very difficult to comfort him while he was in the life vest! It was great to take our kids on the same boat that Sara and I were on as kids.

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Jen said...

That is hilarious to see Grant swimming in that life jacket. He is adorable. Glad you guys were able to go, and that he was so good for you.

HILL HESS said...

Maybe the life jacket is the cure to the sleep problems?! You could put him in that everyday during naptime! :) JK

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