Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Blessing Day

We had the wonderful opportunity to bless Grant at church on Sunday. Nick gave him a beautiful blessing. I am so grateful that Nick honors his priesthood and is able to bless our family this way. We also go to speak on Pioneers the same day. What a day!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh my, so good to hear from you. I was just thinking of you guys recently. Yeah, so Brandon picked the book up (it was going to be torture one way or begging or the book.) He opted to read it so I would leave him alone. He only got about 50 pages in. Who knows if he will actually pick it up again. I am totally stoked about the next book coming out. I may have to have someone read it first to make sure it ends well:) jk Your little Grant is so precious. Congrats. How many months is he now? I just put mine to bed. Aren't little boys fun:)

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