Saturday, April 4, 2009

Downloaded pictures

So, I finally downloaded pictures from my diaper bag camera and was reminded of the fun thigns I've done in the past few months (I think since mid-February. Maybe things do actually happen in my life (it doesn't feel like it most of the time).

Visiting with Grandpa Ron in Bakersfield while we were there visiting Grandma in the hospital. She had meningitis, and it was nasty, but she's all better now. Thank goodness! Happy Valentine's day for us!

Visiting with great-Grandpa Joe in Roseville. It was a fun trip -- we played Wii with Great Grandma and Gramps. Grandma is better than me at the table tilt game on Wii-fit.

With Grant's new mobility, he ends up sleeping in the strangest positions. I think he's actually on his knees in this picture.

Grant's first time on a swing. He wasn't quite sure what to think about it-- he pretty much just hung out, no smiles, no cries.

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