Monday, March 9, 2009

Having Fun!

Grant's new favorite thing to do is stick his hands in his mouth while he is eating. It is so much fun! We have to hose him down when he's done. He just figured out how to feed himself cheerios, and I think he's trying to help with the cereal and mashed fruits and veggies too. This particular day, he also felt the need to rub his eyes. What a mess!
This is a super-cute bomber jacket that Grandma Karen gave Grant before he was born. We've been waiting to grow into it, but it's still huge. I don't think Grant felt like he could move much.

We've noticed that after a certain point, the more tired he his, the happier he gets. Most of the time, he is Mr. Serious, although he laughs often for Daddy.

Grant loves to play with Lily, well, at least her tail and her collar. If she doesn't like it, she'll either get up and move, or kiss him until he stops.

I was having fun yesterday taking pictures of Grant in the tub. He can be super crabby and then you put him in the bath and he forgets what he was whining for. We LOVE bath time.


Jen said...

That bathtub picture makes me smile. I love Grant's facial expressions!

Amanda Walsh said...

YEAH- bath time is the best. Maybe it's because it's only one time a day and only for a specific time period that they love it so much..Looks like Grant might make it in the tub more than once a day though! :)

Some of my recent reads

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