Monday, October 20, 2008

News from our family

I've been slacking on picture taking. It's so easy to start with a picture --- sorry there's no new pictures.

Grant is the same, still a monster. I've been pumping after every feed and taking fenugreek trying to increase my supply and hopefully help him feel better. He does take longer naps during the day (now he's on #2 and they have each been over an hour), but last night he still wouldn't fall asleep for the night until after 10 (monster, I'm telling you). I'll take him to the doctor as soon as I get him weighed.

Grant and I went and visited my family last week. While we were there, my brother got his mission call to the Texas, Houston mission. He'll be speaking spanish. He's been interested in hurricane clean up and now he may get to be involved with that. He's excited but worried about the humidity (he's supposed to take 8 short sleeved shirts and 2 long sleeves).

On Sunday, I was sustained as the Relief Society President in my ward. I've known for awhile now, maybe almost a month (thank goodness for conferences)! I'm excited for the new challenge but nervous about the enormity of it. I do believe that the Lord called me to this position, because I doubt the Bishop would really choose a new, young mom who has ZERO experience in Relief Society serving there. I am reminded of the quotation by Mother Teresa "I know the Lord wouldn't give me anything that I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much." I know that this is what I'm supposed to be doing, and I'm grateful for the trust and the challenge.


HILL HESS said...

You will be fantastic- I have no doubt! Thank you for sharing your opinions on prop 8. Very well put. Sorry about the sleep issues! I sympathize COMPLETELY!

Amanda said...

Hi. This is Nathan & Amanda Parker, we found your blog following links from Eldon's. What you're going through with Grant is very familiar. Not to be alarming or overshare, but when our little boy Owen (who is 2) was 4/5 months old he had lost enough weight that we ended up spending 6 days in UC Davis med center. The loser doctor we had in podunk Lake county had told us he was "lanky", eventually we realized that there was a problem and went to another doctor who sent us on to UCD. No one had any idea what the real problem was, they did every test that exists and then a few more. The fix was simply putting him on formula. The doctors were incredulous that that fixed it, they were positive that breast milk couldn't have been a problem(since Amanda had plenty). He started visibly gaining weight within days. Amanda is nursing our 6 month old girl, Lily, who is doing fine on breastmilk(with the exception of being alergic/sensitive to a lot of foods=GAS). So not to worry/suggest that things are nearly as bad with you guys, but it just reminded us of Owen enough that we wanted to say something.

Unknown said...

That is a calling that would turn me inactive. j/k. Good luck. You will be awsome in that calling. Tell your bro congrats on the mission call. Chris is pretty excited for him.

D said...

I totally agreed with Nathan's comment about formula since we experienced something similar when Tayd was born. On top of what you're doing, I also recommend oatmeal since that help with milk production.

You'll do great as RS pres. There are so many sisters to help you with your calling. Congrats, again.

Some of my recent reads

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog