Friday, December 19, 2008

Grant and Santa

Last weekend, we lent Grant to my Mom's friend to play with. Her husband was Santa for the morning so they took pictures. I'm so happy that Grant is actually smiling!
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Did someone say chocolate?

My mom came last week to make truffles with me. Nick thought he would share a truffle with Grant. I'm afraid that we're creating a monster, who will have nothing to do with vegetables when we introduce them next week. Why eat peas when Daddy give you licorice and yummy truffles!?
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Our little sitter

Grant's newest thing is sitting up. I love it! I finally put away his bouncer and his little mat that he just lays on and grabs the toys. He is rolling all over the place. This morning, I wasn't paying attention after changing his diaper and he rolled off the couch. Oops! He loves to sit up and watch the dog. Lily can't help but give him lots (and lots) of kisses. Poor baby.
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Yum! Celery...

So, all the way back on Thanksgiving (its been a little busy around here), Aunt Bonnie sat Grant in this adorable little chair and Grandma gave him a piece of celery to munch on. He was as happy as a clam but wouldn't have anything to do with his oatmeal that day. Hum, I wonder why?
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Some of my recent reads

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog