Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thoughts on Relief Society

A letter I wrote for the February newsletter about the time I spent serving in Relief Society ...

With my impending release, I have been pondering lately what Relief Society means to me, and what I have learned in the last year and a half that I have been serving in this wonderful organization.

First, I will take away a deeper understanding that all sisters are part of Relief Society; that no matter where I serve, I am still part of that sisterhood and have a responsibility and kinship as a Relief Society sister. It is not just for old women, each of us has a part in this organization!

Second, I love visiting teaching. It can still be difficult to go some months, and I’m nowhere near 100%, but I know what an important and inspired program it is. As the Relief Society president, I rely on visiting teachers to report the needs of their sisters and to help them when they can. I will be an active part of that for the rest of my life.

Third, Relief Society is the Lord’s organization for women. He designed it. The purposes of Relief Society – to help us increase in personal righteousness, to strengthen home and family, and to serve the Lord and His children – assist us as we strive to keep the covenants that we have made at baptism and in the temple.

I love Relief Society, and I have treasured the time that I’ve spent learning from the sisters in our ward. Thank you for your love, support, and service.

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