Thursday, March 18, 2010


I feel like I've read a bunch of books lately. I tend to get on a kick and just can't stop.

My thoughts/brief reviews of some of the books:

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society: Really fun read. Great characters. Fun writing style (written in the form of letters). Kind of predictable.

Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella. Eh. I listened to it -- it took a really long time to get through and wasn't anything spectacular. Kinda cliche.

My Sister's Keeper. I thought I'd love this but I was actually really disappointed. A few too many bad words, and I thought too many under developed side plots.

Life of Pi by Yann Martel. After reading the end, I want to reread this book now. It was a little slow in the middle, I was getting anxious for something else to happen, but the end gives this great conclusion and symbolism that I want to re-read for. I think it would be a great book club book.

The Art of Racing in the Rain. Decent. Funny voice (from the perspective of a dog) but I didn't love the story.

The Glass Castle. Fantastic! I loved it. A woman tells her story about growing up in poverty, but she just tells the story without emotional commentary. I'd put it off for a long time because I'd heard it was depressing, but I actually didn't think it was even depressing -- a little maybe to know that people live in poverty, but the author doesn't feel bad for herself. Really good.

The Long Walk: The true story of a trek to freedom. About a man's escape from a prison camp in Siberia. Took a bit to get into but an amazing story of endurance and the will to live.

I just checked out Wicked and Life According to Garp. Wickeds taking a bit to get into...

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Some of my recent reads

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