Tuesday, July 13, 2010

4th of July

I think the 4th of July is my favorite holiday -- it's at least up there on the list (I know there aren't THAT many to choose from). This year we went to my Mom's house for a BBQ and then to San Ramon for their fireworks show. THe bottom picture is me trying to take a picture of Grant at the fireworks with the double flash. I had 3 pictures in a row with his eyes closed tight -- great smiles though!

Nick had the 5th off so we went to Santa Cruz. Grant actually is the one who started asking to go. On Thursday we were driving around and he started saying beach. So heck... why not. We took Lily too and let her play in the water until the lifeguard told us to put her leash back on. Grant had tons of fun in the water again, even though he was shivering. The sun didn't come out until after we left. Sam was a trooper, and after playing in the sand for a bit, fell asleep on the blanket. So sweet!
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