Monday, October 12, 2009

The crayon fiasco!

It is never a good idea to wash a crayon. Good advice: make sure you don't sort laundry on top of crayons hanging out on the floor. They can get picked up and washed. I, unfortunately, made that mistake with a very large load of dark clothing. It was the first time that I washed a lot of the clothes too -- I just finished buying a bunch of fall/winter clothes for Grant and was getting them ready for the first wear. Imagine my horror when I pulled them out of the dryer and found orange crayon on EVERY single piece of clothing. Some were worse than others, but there was at least a handful of marks on each. After researching online (what in the world would I do without the Internet) crayola's website said to use WD-40 and dish soap, and then to wash with oxy-clean and regular detergent. I started with a few items to test it out. I spent a good 2 hours finding the spots, spraying them with WD-40, letting it soak, and then rubbing dish soap into the spots I'd sprayed. I think I only did about 8 items too before I ran out of stuff. I didn't want those stains to set in (in case the WD-40 did damage) so I washed what I had done. I hadn't sprayed the maternity panel of my jeans (not visible=not worth it) or finished one of Grant's shirts because I'd run out of spray, but yeah!!! it came out anyway! Turns out, after a week of procrastinating and 2 hours starting, all it needed was a regular wash with detergent and oxy-clean. Yeah for oxy-clean. I no longer have crayon on anything EXCEPT the only two dark shirts that Nick wears on the weekends! Bummer for Nick, yeah for me!
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