Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Book Review

I finished the other three books that are a part of the Confessions of a Shopaholic series. They were cute. I still got a little annoyed at the character because of her total lack of self control when it comes to shopping, but they were really fun stories. I read the three books in 5 days (I think). I didn't do much else those days obviously.

I also finished listening to "Q&A" aka Slumdog Millionaire. It was a great story. I'm not sure how it compared to the movie because I didn't see the movie, but it was really entertaining. It is about a poor boy in India who is trying to prove how he was able to win India's version of "Who wants to be a Millionaire." He tells how he knew the answer to each one of the questions through his experiences, rather than through education.

Now I'm working on the Da Vinci Code. Unfortunately, I've had too much to do to just sit down and finish it and it's driving me crazy!

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Some of my recent reads

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