Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Thoughts on my pregnancy

Hum... where to begin. I guess with "It's ALIIIIVE!!" This ultrasound is from 4/20... I was 12 weeks along and the baby had a heartbeat of 171. I sure do hope that the baby is still growing because my belly sure is.

So, the pregnany was unplanned -- "concieved in a moment of passion" as my mom puts it. I think it was Karma's way of punishing me for being so judgemental of people who have their kids close together. I was never going to be one of those crazy moms! (That's what I get). Grant and this baby will be 17 months apart. Aside from them being close together, I also really wanted to wait until the new hospital opened next May. Maybe other women will and I'll actually get a room to myself.

As Nick reminds me, we wanted more kids, so this isn't the end of the world. And, I'm pretty bored with just one. Maybe this really will be a good thing...

I am due November 9th. At least, that's what the doctor measured from the ultrasound. I thought it was closer to the 3rd. Maybe we didn't get pregnant when I thought we did (which means, it wasn't my fault). In any case, the baby will be delievered two weeks early, probably while my mom is in Hawaii. I may actually have to be a big girl this time and spend some time in the hospital alone.
It has been a fairly easy preganancy. I was a little bit icky feeling, but I have nothing to complain about really. I feel tired but sometimes I think it's because I'm sleeping too much (trying to bank it now before the baby comes) =)

I can't decide if I want a boy or a girl. I was thinking boy, especially because Grant will be so close in age, but I did this stupid "Chinese" predictor thing on the internet and it said boy and I was kind of dissapointed. Maybe that's just because I want all of my nieces' clothes. Do I really want to deal with a girl and hair and hormones and all that crap? Hum... good thing it's not really up to me.


HILL HESS said...

I'm so excited for you. Nov 9th is a great due date- I was born that day!! :) Wish I could be there to help since your mom may be MIA.

Amanda said...

Well, the second time around it's easier. I had thought I wanted a boy, brothers close in age and all that, but I was excited about our little girl. Girls are so different than boys. She is so much more emotional, and I've heard other parents say the same thing. Girls are different. But totally cute. Our little girl gives hugs and kisses. And honestly, little girls are funner to dress up.
And with the close in age thing, it could be worse. I have a friend who has three in two and a half years. She got surprise pregnant when each baby was only six months old.
Having more than one is really fun. Ours are little friends and love hanging out and playing together. It's sweet to watch.

Leia said...

I guess I'm one of those crazy moms, but at least I'm not alone anymore! I'm really glad that we have Dallin and Cody 17 months apart. They do fight a lot, but they are brothers, they are supposed to. They also keep each other busy and entertained. It was also nice to not have to buy all new clothes, and I still don't have to. Anyway, my advice would be just learn to enjoy it. I get caught up a lot in how frustrating things are and how busy the kids keep me. I wish I would just be happier with the kids I have and make the most of each day. I know you'll be fine, good luck with the pregnancy.

Amanda Walsh said...

Oh man! SO fun. I thought I'd heard you were having a baby. You know we're pregnant too, also unplanned. :) My little one is due September 18th, making he and Nora 21 months apart. Yikes! I was thinking I wanted a girl because then Nora would have a girl-buddy, but a boy sounded fun because it was different. So I was happy when we found out it was a boy, kind of fun to get new clothes and have little boy things.
Anyway, good luck with everything! I'll let you know how it goes for me!

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