Saturday, April 4, 2009

Diet Inspiration

A quite frightening picture. This was taken 2/10, the day after I started my diet. I'd just gotten my make up done (just for fun), so I think I look scary because of that too, but most pictures of me recently have just reminded me how much weight I've put on. This one was no exception.

So, it's been about 8 weeks and I've lost about a pound a week, unofficially on weight watchers. It's a slow but I'm doing good sticking to it (at least until the doughnuts and brownies I had today). My ultimate goal will be a loss of 30-35 pounds. I wasn't going to tell anyone I was doing it, but maybe I'll stick to it better if people are asking how it's going... anything to make me be good.

My college roommate and I on move-in day, September, 2000. I think this is the picture I should glue to my fridge. I was so thin (and tan too!) I also loved this haircut. This is the goal.

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1 comment:

Leia said...

Hey, good luck with the weight loss! Isn't it funny to look back at those old pictures and see how much you've changed. Anything for motivation, right!

Some of my recent reads

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog