Monday, October 20, 2008

The Fahrney Family supports Prop 8

I have decided to support proposition 8 for many reasons. Among them are:

1. Four people should not be able to overturn the will of the voters in California, especially because they are appointed, not elected, officials.
2. Marriage between a man and a woman “stabilizes and enriches society.” Thirty years of research has shown that the best environment for children is with a happily married mom and dad. While this isn’t always possible, we should do what we can to try to protect our children.
3. For the freedom of religion. There are a lot of scare tactics out there that I don’t necessarily agree with, but I do believe that my right to worship as I please be affected. Catholic adoption agencies have pulled out of Massachusetts because they refused to adopt to homosexual couples. It is believed that churches may lose their tax exempt status if they do not agree to marry homosexuals. This affects my ability to worship as I please, and infringes on rights that I believe are more important and fundamental than the right to marry.
4. THIS DOES NOT TAKE RIGHTS AWAY FROM HOMOSEXUALS. In California, gay couples are given all of the rights and benefits of marriage without calling it marriage through civil unions. I like the fact that my marriage certificate says husband and wife, not party A and party B.
5. Most important to me, and most difficult to “prove,” I believe that marriage is sacred, that “marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to God’s plan for his children.” I believe that the Lord wants us to fight for this, that if He were here, He would make sure that traditional marriage were protected and preserved.2
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